Sanskar Computer Saksharta Mission an autonomous institution has been Registeredunder the Society Act 1860, AG-49622, Govt. of UP. We are working indifferent fields of computer Software, Hardware & Professional Training conducted by the State Government.
Education has been the fountainhead of every human endeavor. Its quality has been the driving force for an eternal quest of wisdom, through the corridors of human experience. It is this quality alone which in it’s true manifestation becomes the inspiration for transcendence from the mundane to the higher realm of life.
The focal point is to guide the students through a system beyond pure academic achievements into development of total personality.
The vigorous youth of today, who are straying away from the righteous path need a strong hand to guide them in the right direction. Today’s generation is no doubt straying because of a lack of direction, and are losing out on their precious years of fulfilling life. We believe that nothing is impossible for a person with an indomitable will. This perseverance is best encapsulated by our modern Gurukula system of teaching. At SCSM this system is followed diligently for the holistic development of the student.
We are well aware of the fact that the environment today is more competitive than ever before. Keeping this in mind, we at SCSM train the students to face the challenges beyond the walls of the campus.
"To serve the society by creating a quality learning environment, committed to creative, innovative ad value based leaning"